Our Curriculum​
At little Ivy we offer structured and well planned programs in a warm ,homelike and stimulating environment .Under the care of our team of trained young and creative educators,our Children learn to work as individuals and as a team .
According to an Early Childhood Development authority A.Mercier "What we learn with pleasure we never forget".This is in line with the international curricular for Early Child development and Education which emphasizes learning through play and activities.At Little Ivy International School we raise our kids based on our unique school curriculum created from a blend of the Nigerian,British and American curricular.This is to ensure our kids can adapt and compete in any environment locally and internationally.
Learning Areas
Our Entire Curriculum promote learning & development in the following areas
Literacy,Language and Communication.
Early Mathematics Experience.
Early Experience in Science
Knowledge and Understanding of the world or environnment
Creative & Aesthetic Development.
Personal Social & Emotionnal Development.
Physical Development
Head Start in ICT.
We also have as part of our curriculum offer activities and interest centers that help strengthen learning and skills development.Such activities include but are not limited to circle time activities,field trips,music,arts & craft ,role & dramatic play,cookery classes,blocks & building,sand & water play etc.
Our Creche class is open all year round except weekends and National holidays.However we close one week during Easter and three weeks during Christmas.
All the other classes run on a regular school calendar.We provide on terms holiday care and clases as well as after school care for our students.
Our facillities Open 6.30am in the morning till 6pm in the evening,however the Administrative office closes by 4pm.
Our teachers are constantly trained and guided to deliver excellent education and care taking cognizance of research developments and innovations in early child education and care. Our teachers and minders are trained to teach and care based on the ITEACH principles.Each Class is headed by a lead teacher who by our policy must be a graduate.The leader is supported by class assistants who hold a minimum of an OND.
Class size
We maintain a small class size or child to teacher ratio.For Children below two years,the ratio is four children to one staff (4:1) while for those above two years,the ratio is six children to one staff (6:1).This ensures concentrated learning, each child is known and carried along.However considering floor space the maximum number of children is 18 in a large room or 12 in a small room with the right number of Educators by ratio.
Our Educators understand the uniqueness of each child and the essence of a positive relationship and an enabling environment in achieving learning and development.We have therefore perfected the act of followig each child at his or her own pace using multiple intelligence approach to ensure that each child learns through their areas of strength.No Child is more important than the other,all are cared for on same level as we do not entertain parental influence.The focus is on the Child.
Our Preschool program is categorized into 5 classes based on age as at September 1st each year.The classes are from creche to transition as listed below.
Extra Curricular Activities
The Extra Curricular activity on offer now is the ballet and dance club.We are putting things in place to start a Drama club and a Taekwondo class soon.
Our Early Child Educators
Crèche 0-12months
Pre-Nursery 1-2years
Lower Nursery 2-3years
Upper Nursery 3-4years
Transition 4-5years
Our Transition Class graduates proceed to our Year 1 (primary 1)
All our facilities have rooms that are cozy with a homelike feel,well furnished with stimulating but age appropriate toys and LED TVs for visual learning.
We have variety of resources for role play and interest center activities like Library/reading centers,mini science Labs and mini kitchen for cookery lesssons.
All rooms have computers and tablets for head start in ICT.
Our safe and secure facilities have indoor and outdoor play equipment.
We also provide E-learning facilities as a means of support while at home or on holiday.