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National Smile Month

An article from the campaign website explains that a healthy smile can be a great asset.

Not only can it benefit us socially and help us in other things such as our careers and relationships, but it also has many more practical benefits.

Our teeth have such an important role to play in our lives. They help us chew and digest food, they help us to talk and speak clearly and they also give our face its shape.

Because of this, it only makes sense to give our oral health the best care possible.

National Smile Month is our chance to take a look at our oral health, learn more about why a healthy smile is so important and share tips on how to improve and maintain it.

Our three key messages are the ‘bread and butter’ principles for developing great oral health:

  • Brush your teeth last thing at night and on at least one other occasion with a fluoride toothpaste.

  • Cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks.

  • Visit your dentist regularly, as often as they recommend

Little Ivy Kids observed their Smile day on 15th May 2017.We focused on the care of the teeth: how and when to brush the teeth.We urge our parents to feed the kids less of sweet snacks and to brush their teeth at least twice a day.

Please visit our facebook page for pictures of the event.

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